Case studies
The Netherlands
Initiatives for energy efficiency in heating and cooling of private homes
Agri-environmental programs and manure management policies
Piemonte Region
Agri-environmental programs and manure management policies
City of Lappeenranta
Innovative Taxation Policies for Sustainable Mobility
Trøndelag Region
Strategic Plan for Regional Value Creation and Sustainability
University Complutense de Madrid
Main role in the project: UCM coordinates the project, developpes the PATTERN’s Aggregation Model Tool and leads the One-Stop Shop development.
Main contact: Sonia Quiroga:
Flemish Institute for Technological Research
Main role in the project: VITO creates the framework for bridging the ex post and ex ante analysis. VITO, a partner in EnergyVille, is a leading international research centre that provides knowledge and technological innovations to facilitate the transition to a more sustainable society. VITO is bringing its long expertise on policy evaluation in the energy & climate field building upon multiple European projects providing support to Member States and European institutions, such as the European Topic Center on Energy and Climate Change Mitigation (2022-2026) supporting the European Environment Agency (EEA).
Main contact: Nele Renders
University of Torino
Main role in the project: UNITO creates the interdisciplinary approach and participatory approach.
Main contact: Alessandro Sciullo
University of Antwerp
Main role in the project:
- University of Antwerp (UA) coordinates WP3 which aims at refining the tools for ex-post assessments of the policies selected within the PATTERN project (I.e., the five PATTERN case studies). In addition, UA is responsible for applying and optimizing two economic appraisal methods (Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) and Q Method) to the Flemish agricultural case study, both ex-post (in WP3) and ex-ante (WP.
- In WP4, UA will be optimizing and applying the ex-ante assessments for the Flemish agricultural case study using the DCE and Q method).
- In WP5 UA will create the decision support toolbox of the project. It will include guidance on which methods is best suited for a particular case, starting from the 5 case studies of the project and building upon with the partners from the Community of Practice
Main contact: Sophie Van Schoubroeck
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Main role in the project:
NTNU will coordinate the ex-ante assessments of selected policies and measures (WP4). Besides, NTNU contributes with the analysis of regional and general macroeconomic impacts of the considered policies, as well as with the environmental impact of the aquaculture case study in Norway.
Main contact: Paolo Pisciella
Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology
Main role in the project:
LUT will contribute to identifying best practices and producing guidelines for the specific economic appraisal methods and models and conducting the ex post evaluation of the City of Lappeenranta. LUT will provide support on the improvement of the life cycle costing and carbon handprint and social impact assessment.
Main contact: Risto Soukka
Main role in the project:
EQY oversees the communication and dissemination activities of PATTERN, while also supporting the day-to-day coordination of the project. Euroquality was established in 1997 and is a service provider specialised in innovation consulting and project management. Euroquality has been involved as a partner in many projects on various European programmes, bringing its knowledge on several topics and its strong expertise on the management of EU projects and rules.
Main contact: Cécile Fligny
Main role in the project:
ISMERI leads the development of the European Community of Practice
Main contact: Lorenzo Vigevano
Vlaamse Landmaatschappij (VLM)
Main role in the project:
The Flemish Land Agency (VLM) is a case partner for sustainable agricultural challenges, including environmental and climate issues. VLM promotes Flemish rural areas and open spaces to enable them to better tackle urbanisation, fragmentation and climate change. VLM is collaborating in policies and investing in soil and water quality, biodiversity and infrastructure.
Main contact: Lysander Fockaert
Netherlands Enterprise Agency
Main role in the project:
The Netherlands Enterprise Agency oversees the implementation and monitoring of Dutch Policies and measures on many topics, including national climate mitigation measures in the building sector. The agency is often involved in ex-post evaluations and is in direct contact with the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, in charge of ex-ante assessments of future climate and energy policies and measures in the built environment.
Istituto di ricerche economico sociali del Piemonte
Main role in the project:
IRES Piemonte is the scientific department of Piedmont’s regional administration and has been supporting regional policy planning for the past 60 years. Among other activities, IRES supports the development of an evaluation plan for the Regional Transport and Mobility Plan.
Main contact: Anna Gallice
Trøndelag County Council
Main role in the project:
The Trøndelag County Council is the regional authority in the Trøndelag region, in charge of environmental issues among other topics. The Planning and Business Department. oversees value creation strategies. The Trøndelag County Council has connections with innovation clusters, including those managing and collecting data related to the impact of aquaculture on local economy and environment.
Main contact: Sigrid Johanne Husøy
City of Lappeenranta
Main role in the project:
The city of Lappeenranta aims at becoming carbon neutral in 2030, by implementing the Lappeenranta 2033 Strategy, its Climate Program, a Roadmap of Circular Economy as well as a resource wisdom program. The sustainable mobility program is an important part of the Climate Program. In the project City of Lappeenranta leads the case study on local measures and policies for sustainable mobility.
Main contact: Petri Kero